Saturday, July 29, 2006


I recently saw the movie ‘Devaki’. The movie shows the life of a girl born in a metro and another Dalit female staying in a village. Towards the end, both realize that their life was somehow the same. Isn’t it still true? The male dominated society, who bothers or cares for a woman anyways? NO ONE... there’s just a bunch of men and women who talk of women liberation and then there is disparity between them. Right from a male wanting to sit on the driving seat when a woman is with him, to a brother dominating his sister by not letting her go out late at night, and why? Because another man might be waiting outside just ready to pounce on her!

MEN MEN and MEN everywhere, the fathers of most educated daughters treat their wives, their better half, as doormats. Use them in the silence of the night with or without their consent and frown at the rape cases mentioned in the newspaper. So much hypocrisy? Just on the basis of one organ?

As a child, I took pride in being a female child, I always teased my brother showing him all the clips n fancy dresses I had, and today it seems my life is confined just to them. The irony is, that we have accepted this as a normal course of our lives. We feel great when our partners dominate us. ‘Dominate’...When and by whom? Yes, dominated by ‘one’ and ‘all’!! The only condition is a male!!

The first cry of the baby girl brings frown sometimes. In India, when a male child is born people sing jingles and bang the plates to produce sounds to let everyone know that the one who will brighten up the name of the family has arrived. Here starts the disparity… why? Because the son will give fire to the dead parent’s body.

People say parents are selfless. If they are so selfless then why is it that before celebrating the happiness of the newborn they celebrate that their key to the lock of heaven has arrived?
The mother who has herself been through the trauma of the disparity becomes the source of the very first differentiation when she ‘allots’ duties to her children...Ah! her GIRL CHILD & her SON. Then there is a strict vigilance on the girl child and at every step her potential is suppressed.

Finally she gets married, hoping to be loved by the ones who r taking her with so much pomp and show. There too begins a new tale of allotment of duties. A woman be it working or a housewife, remains to be a ‘woman’. Finally she gives birth to another daughter and the story continues. The only difference being the increase in her duties with the passage of time.

It takes a few seconds for 10 men to ruin a girl’s image and a million efforts on a woman’s part to make ‘her’ man happy!!

The saga of this disparity is, and will remain omnipresent, just like god. In every sphere, in every field. The only way through which we can reduce this disparity is perhaps, by making women respect women. Mothers respecting their daughters and mothers-in-law respecting their daughters-in-law.

The society has to change and we, the women can initiate this change.
Would their ever be a day when no one would have to write on this and a woman will not be reduced to pity & disgrace? ‘NO’, this seems to be a distant dream, A forbidden truth, which everyone knows and still tries to hide under the disguise of the 4 walls of his house.
Let’s stop celebrating womanhood and start initiating equality.
I just wish for the day when the comparisons stating “GUYS GEAR UP...GIRLS HAVE AGAIN SCORED MORE MARKS IN CBSE!!” Stops. As if, someone who couldn’t do it has done it. Doesn’t this line reflect the mindset of our society? IT DOES!! The pain that comes with being a woman doesn’t stop here. It’s a saga which has no end. All it has is the dreadful, pitiful screams which subside only to change a young chirpy woman into the veil of a woman who learns to hide, her tears and pain which disappears in the silence of her life, TO BE IN PAIN, UNTIL DEATH!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi priyam,

it was nice to know that u really want to better the image of women in india, hopefully everywhere.

what i think is the prob. is not disrespect or insulting of women, but the "comparison". wwe have to stop comparing and differentiating, rather we should be thinking how we can combine both the powers to explore the impossible.

see the point is that, if u keep writing against men, then I m quite sure that this war will never end! u have to teach and preach to learn! mind trhat many men must be reading ur blog. take proper care that ur words motivate other females to do more, and not insult men.

u have to accept one thing that we r nothing without each other, 'taali ek haath se nahin bajti'.

one interesting point i wud like to point out, females alwayswant equality then y do they expect men to leave their seats for them, why r seats reserved for women??? y that disparity???

all the best!


Monday, July 31, 2006 1:38:00 PM  
Blogger Priyam said...

Thanks for the comments.
The article I have written has nothing against Men... I know men alone cannot be blamed..the blame goes to how we perceive things. However the views are based entirely on the thoughts that came to my mind after watching the movie Devaki...
Thankfully things are changing but at a slow pace...I dont mean to offend anyone with this article...I might one day write an article showing a man's keep a check on the blog! :-)

Monday, July 31, 2006 10:33:00 PM  

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